Virtual Paradise 0.3.15

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Virtual Paradise 0.3.15

Post by Edwin »

Virtual Paradise version 0.3.15 is now available for download. The new version has some new features and fixes. The frame rate while the world is loading should be improved now that more things moved to background threads.

Here is the list of changes for this version:
  • The resize_textures configuration option now works again
  • Run action commands on background thread when loading
  • Generate sign textures on background thread(reduces lag while loading)
  • Reduced downloader CPU usage on non-Windows platforms
  • Lower frame rate when the application is inactive
  • Increased timing precision on Windows(smoother movement)
  • Changed character height to 1.75m
  • Use a sphere as the collision object for tiny objects
  • Don't distance sort objects in zones that are too far away to be seen with the current visibility
  • Support for cloth simulation, but it's not really usable right now and doesn't interact with other objects. This is still experimental and shouldn't/can't really be used for building.
  • Added max_texture_level configuration option
  • Added texture_lod_bias configuration option
  • Added auto_view_distance_min_fps and auto_view_distance_max_fps configuration options
  • Tools window moved to collapsible sidebar on Mac OS X
  • Fixed incorrect current height on teleport dialog
  • Fixed selection boxes not working on Direct3D 11 renderer
  • Fixed multisampling always being enabled after using the settings dialog
  • Fixed mask textures not loading when using Direct3D 11 renderer with Direct3D 9 hardware
  • Fixed crash that occurs when running action commands if the model hasn't loaded
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