Virtual Paradise 0.3.8

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Virtual Paradise 0.3.8

Post by Edwin »

A new version of Virtual Paradise has been released, version 0.3.8 has some fixes for crashes and support for MD2 files. Using MD2 files you can create animated models. Right now you can only use one animation for the whole file but it can already be used for repeating animations like a waving flag.

Here is the full list of changes for version 0.3.8:
  • Support MD2 models(inluding animation)
  • Resize textures to power of 2 sizes on Mac OS X
  • Work around a crash in the Mac OS X OpenGL stack by using a different vertex format for placeholder meshes(black triangles)
  • Fixed skybox vertex buffer memory leak
  • Fixed crashes when loading objects before OpenGL or Direct3D is initialized
  • Fixed most crashes when switching worlds
  • Fixed missing ground object when loading before OpenGL or Direct3D is initialized
  • Fixed texture mask files not being closed after loading
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