Josh's Wish Thread
Posted: Sun Aug 31, 2008 9:15 am
Okay while I do understand VP is still very much under construction I thought I should throw some idea's into the pit while some of these may seem far off and a while till they are possible they are some of the things that should or could be added at some point in the near to far future.
- Object Axis
Show the local axis of the object's selected.
- Object Selection
Right now multiple objects select without need for a Shift key or anything else please make it so to select multiple objects you have to hold shift or anouther key.
- Model Format Support
Okay basicly it may have this although I'm not sure... Support for: .x, .cob, .3ds, .max maybe some others.
- Object Scripting
Nobody likes AW's scripting language and SL has a great one , talking to Edwin could look like he is in favour of a better scripting language too so I won't go into details with this .
- Groups / Community Features
This would be nice, have it in a built in web browser for VP and load up a profile for citizen's, groups and various other things.
- Object Type
Okay basicly in the properties dialog we could have a drop down list for object type's:
At very basic we would have: Models and Primatives. However this could expand to include Particles, Movers, Zones and other types.
The Models type would mean basicly the system VP has now where it downloads a model from the OP.
The Primative type is a new one however pretty simple, select a shape: Cube, Sphere, Pane and then select the X Y Z sizes for each shape basicly we could develop some great builds with this AW lacks it as Syntax from AW had to create a huge set of primatives for Alphaworld.
- FPS Movement Mode
Basicly when enabling this VP moves like an FPS would, you would be able to use the mouse to look and WASD to move.
I'll add more as VP progress's don't want to bog you all down with idea's =) On last note stop following AW so much =P it's good I know but not great let alone perfect you have to look at the whole market of 3D programs and take the best features of each one and put into one I too came from AW like what it seems many of you have and you want thoese features AW has but AW first started over 10 years ago and has the most messy code ever.
- Object Axis
Show the local axis of the object's selected.
- Object Selection
Right now multiple objects select without need for a Shift key or anything else please make it so to select multiple objects you have to hold shift or anouther key.
- Model Format Support
Okay basicly it may have this although I'm not sure... Support for: .x, .cob, .3ds, .max maybe some others.
- Object Scripting
Nobody likes AW's scripting language and SL has a great one , talking to Edwin could look like he is in favour of a better scripting language too so I won't go into details with this .
- Groups / Community Features
This would be nice, have it in a built in web browser for VP and load up a profile for citizen's, groups and various other things.
- Object Type
Okay basicly in the properties dialog we could have a drop down list for object type's:
At very basic we would have: Models and Primatives. However this could expand to include Particles, Movers, Zones and other types.
The Models type would mean basicly the system VP has now where it downloads a model from the OP.
The Primative type is a new one however pretty simple, select a shape: Cube, Sphere, Pane and then select the X Y Z sizes for each shape basicly we could develop some great builds with this AW lacks it as Syntax from AW had to create a huge set of primatives for Alphaworld.
- FPS Movement Mode
Basicly when enabling this VP moves like an FPS would, you would be able to use the mouse to look and WASD to move.
I'll add more as VP progress's don't want to bog you all down with idea's =) On last note stop following AW so much =P it's good I know but not great let alone perfect you have to look at the whole market of 3D programs and take the best features of each one and put into one I too came from AW like what it seems many of you have and you want thoese features AW has but AW first started over 10 years ago and has the most messy code ever.