Too much like Active Worlds?

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Too much like Active Worlds?

Post by Exlixe »

Just a feeling I'm getting. This game is too much like Active Worlds. Also, this game was started a year ago I hear. Wasn't Render Ware closed down a year ago? May I see a copy of your Render Ware liscense? This doesn't look like a multi-million dollar site. So i smell emu. Or stolen Render Ware liscense.

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Re: Too much like Active Worlds?

Post by Exlixe »

Also, the models in your screenshot are from the Alpha World object path. If you want to make money off of this. MAKE YOUR OWN, or face legal action. Your choice.
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Re: Too much like Active Worlds?

Post by Edwin »

You don't need a Renderware license if you don't use it ;). I built my own engine for VP, it just has the ability to load RWX files. Even Renderware has abandoned the RWX file format a long time ago and AW probably uses it's own code to load RWX files into a newer version of Renderware.

You are correct that the models are the same ones used in the AW object path. They are used for testing purposes. VP is nowhere near a finished product and as you can read on the home page it is free to use so I'm not making any money off of it.

Virtual Paradise also doesn't use any ActiveWorlds software for the servers nor for the client, they are entirely written by me.
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Re: Too much like Active Worlds?

Post by Tqrules »

l0l another noob no the renderware ©® has nothering to do with virtual paradise itself besides the objects edwin use's are free ware downloadable from the awi site also edwin has made a far higher rendering engine using milkshape objects that even will make 4.2 look like childs play also its not a server / browser based on any protocol used by the aw browser or servers if you have downloaded the program and have been online you would have known that an awi has never shut edwin down l0l their are more awi people in vp then you think noob

with kind regards Tq
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Re: Too much like Active Worlds? No

Post by Faramir »

This has a completely different light/feel and works very differently.
I know I'm only ...almost a lightyear late to reply on it but, it's very easy to tell the difference here in functionality and pretty much everything.
I'm glad to find familiar rwx files to work with while experimenting in this alternate environment.
you betcha.!
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