Changes in 0.3.64:
- Fix incorrect near clipping plane on Direct3D 9 and 11 renderers (introduced in 0.3.63)
- Fix spot lights not working properly on objects that use scale (introduced in 0.3.63)
- Fix stereo WAV sound files not playing with 3D positioning
- Fix typo in invitation accepted message
- Map MD5 animation joints to mesh joints by name instead of relying on both files to have the same joint ordering
- Add a horizontal separator line to chat when switching to a different world
- Fix "solid no" command not having an immediate effect if the object is already being touched
- Fix VP crashing without any notification
- Fix all particle emitters in a selection being overwritten by the settings of the last selected particle emitter
- Fix audio files with uppercase file extension not being recognized
- Fix incorrect rotation applied for path animations
- Fix loading of DDS textures without mipmaps
- Fix reset rotation button not marking the object as changed, resulting in it not being saved properly unless other changes were made as well
- Fix texture command on MD2 models
- Hide user names for consecutive messages by the same user
- Improve error handling in Direct3D device creation
- Improve frame rate of web browser
- Specific particle type for double sided flat panels
- Support lower WAV sample rate (wind.wav seems to use 7333 Hz)
- Support tag parameter for normalmap and specularmap commands