Virtual Paradise 0.3.27 and downtime

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Virtual Paradise 0.3.27 and downtime

Post by Edwin »

Changes in version 0.3.27:
  • Fallback to 16-bit depth/z buffer for Direct3D 9, restores compatibility with older GPUs that don't support 24-bit depth buffers(like a Geforce 2MX)
  • Fixed bug causing DrawPrimitive calls with PrimitiveCount set to 0
  • Fixed D3D errors when restoring lights after device reset in Direct3D 9 renderer
  • Fixed D3DSAMP_MIPFILTER being set to D3DTEXF_ANISOTROPIC in Direct3D 9(causes undefined behavior according to Direct3D documentation)
  • Fixed falling after using shift key(issue #10)
  • Fixed selection menu on Mac OS X
  • Fixed view distance resetting to automatic after switching worlds(issue #9)
  • Holding CTRL while duplicating an object makes it move the distance of the longest side of the object, making it easier to build repetitive things like roads or walls
  • Improved object selection, distant objects can now be selected(fixed issue #1)
  • Limited (up/down) camera rotation for all input devices, not just the keyboard(issue #7)
  • No longer create a backbuffer the size of the main display when initializing the Direct3D 9 device
  • URL command
  • WASD keyboard controls
On October 23 starting around 11:00 GMT+2 the server will be down for about 3 hours due to electrical maintenance.
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Joined: Mon Jul 30, 2012 12:35 am

Re: Virtual Paradise 0.3.27 and downtime

Post by Tim »

Holding CTRL while duplicating an object makes it move the distance of the longest side of the object, making it easier to build repetitive things like roads or walls
How about a GUI window where you can set that.
For example 6 arrows up, down, left, right, top and bottom duplicate.
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